
Congratulations for taking action!

You are one of the few who DO versus the many who just talk. If you just saw me at your company or association event, I recommend you take out your notes from the handout you completed and review for a few minutes a night. My goal with this page is to add as much value as I can.

Enjoy this page! Please do not keep me a secret! I lavishly reward people who refer me for other speaking opportunities.

Watch the video on how to make the smoothie. Click here for the recipe!

Here are a few things for you to consider:

  • What was your decision? Why did you write it down? Are you committed or interested in living up to that commitment? What will the impact be?
  • Create your compelling vision to have a GREAT YEAR - get it laminated and up in your shower. Re-evaluate everything in your current patterns of time and associations. Where do you need to confront the brutal facts and make some extreme changes? Download an effective layout for this here.
  • Work on your game plan and areas to your need to measure to make it happen - what key areas do you need to execute new disciplines? Download the Kids Scorecard if you want a simple way to track how much time you spend with kids/grandkids.
  • Put your Motion is Medicine Energy Schedule (Workout Schedule) on the mirror in the bathroom and make a commitment of the MINIMUM number days you will get out and moving for at least 30 minutes. You will get a 30 Day Touch from me to make sure you are on track.
  • You are worth it. Invest an hour a day on YOU. How many non-fiction books will you read this year? Over the next decade? What will happen when you do? What will you listen to? Remember the Law of Association: you will become like the information and people you spend the most time with. What will you stop reading, watching or listening to? Is there anyone you need to stop spending time with? Here is the 4% Solution Recommended Reading and Listening List
  • Get Switched On and be the dispenser of enthusiasm at the beginning of each day with your team and family and again at the end of the day - really connect! Be exceptional the first five minutes and the last five minutes of your day.
  • What if you had a check-list to make EVERY presentation you ever do in the future much more effective? I did 1300 group presentations to promote Tony Robbins before I began my speaking career. Here is a link to the check-list and a link to my insanely effective and ridiculously inexpensive $22, 8 module video course - one hour of material that you will thank me for. I learned a few things you can use in the last 44 years.

Check out my Document Library for unique articles and resources to help you Get Switched On!

Would you help me? Because I want to help others, will you take a few moments to leave me a Google Review? You can go here - Click Here.

What are you going to do differently to put yourself first?

How can you more effectively manage your energy and stay switched on?

Try the Get Switched On Smoothie 4 days a week for at least a month - it WILL make a difference for you. Get the right ingredients and try it. It will be different, but stick with it. The blueberries are crucial to stain it blue! Experiment a little. You will have to make it at least 5 times to get into the process.

Download the Smoothie Recipe HERE.

Here is the link to the Secret to Raising Smart Kids article.

Chip hopes to have the opportunity to work with you more in the future. Please send him an email and keep him posted on your progress!

Please do not keep me a secret!

Please refer Chip to any companies or associations you would like to get switched on!

Please add chip@getswitchedon.com to your accepted email list.

Copyright 2024 © Chip Eichelberger - All rights reserved | Motivational Speaker and Keynote Speaker - Get Switched On! | Design & Marketing By: Forty-Second Street, Inc